Monday, March 4, 2013

Lego The Hobbit: An Unexpected Minifigure Preview

Hey everyone it's Greg Olego, here with a Lego movie I made. It is a preview for an upcoming stop-motion Lego Hobbit movie I am going to make this summer. You can also watch it on Youtube. Comment, and tell me what you think. 

Til next time,
Greg Olego

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Gollum's Cave MOC

Hi everyone! It's Greg Olego, here with a MOC/scene I made. I call it Gollum's Cave. I was inspired by my Friday afternoon friend (And you know who you are!). I used my The Hobbit Riddles for the Ring, a skeleton, and a bunch of grey plates, tiles and bricks. The "ring rock" is separate, so you can take it off and use it in other places. It is the scene from the hobbit movie/book, where Bilbo first finds the Ring, and Gollum engages him in a riddle competition.

There is a small harbor where you put Gollum's boat, and a fish.

Here is a skeleton. It is here because I'm pretty sure that Gollum eats goblins (ha) and so this is one of their skeletons. His left arm has been pulled off and eaten separately. He seems pretty happy, though.  

 Gollum is sitting on top of the "ring rock" and asking Bilbo riddles. 

Bilbo looks pretty scared.

That's my MOC/scene. It's pretty cool, and I think it captures an important moment in the movie/book. Comment, and tell me what you think.

See you around, 
Greg Olego